HOME FAMILY HISTORY MARBOLD FAMILY MARBOLD HJ This screen shows information for Harmon John "HJ" Marbold. When you select a link you may leave the GREENVIEWILLINOIS.COM website, you can press the back arrow in most cases to return to our site. Please come back. HJ Marbold loved horses and was heavily into horse racing. They are many links that show the many horses that he bought, bred, raced and sold. Hopefully, someday we can publishe some of these. In the meantime do a search on HJ Marbold and it should bring up many of them. HARMON JOHN "HJ' MARBOLD FROM THE 1905 PAST AND PRESENT BOOK Copyright © 2011 - 2012 GreenviewIllinois.com/GreenviewIL.com - All Rights Reserved | |||||||